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Pain Clinic - Cat Pain Score

Please take some time to complete the following questions.

Please mark the circle that best describes your cat’s ability to perform the following activities.

1. Walk and/or move easily?
2. Run?
3. Jump up (how well and how easily)?
4. Jump up to kitchen-counter height in one try?

Please rate your cat’s ability to:

5. Jump down (how well and how easily)?
6. Climb up stairs or steps?
7. Go down stairs or steps?
8. Play with toys and/or chase objects?
9. Play and interact with other pets?
10. Get up from a resting position?
11. Lie and/or sit down?
12. Stretch?
13. Groom himself or herself?
14. Interact with you and family members?
15. Tolerate being touched and/or held?
16. Eat?
17. Use the litter box (get in and out, squat, cover waste?

How does your cat feel?

18. Please sselect the number that best describes your cat’s pain over the past two weeks:
19. Please sselect the number that best describes your cat’s pain TODAY

Thank you. 

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© Sydney Animal Pain Clinic 2024

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