About Anaesthesia
What is a Specialist (/Diplomat) Veterinary Anaesthetist?
Veterinary Anaesthestists are veterinarians that have undergone further training, and examinations, to specialise in the practice of veterinary anaesthesia. Within a veterinary hospital they provide a dedicated service to the anaesthesia and pain management component of the patient's treatments.
How risky is veterinary anaesthesia?
This is the most common question we get asked. Veterinary anaesthesia is a core component of veterinary practice. Most veterinarary practices perform sedation and anaesthesia every day, and they do an excellent job caring for these patients. Just like human anaesthesia there is always a small risk. Healthy patients undergoing elective procedures have the smallest risk of anaesthetic complications. Sick patients undergoing emergency procedures have the highest risk of complications.
When does veterinary anaesthesia require a specialist?
Veterinariny Anaesthetists can help with the management of any patient having anaesthesia. A one-on-one service is most often requested for patients with acute disease (sick patient), ongoing chronic diseases that may impact anaesthesia, or those undergoing particularly invasive or difficult procedures. Veterinary Anaesthetists have the ability to perform many additional services to that of standard anaesthesia services such as regional anaesthesia, total or partial intravenous anaesthesia, central line placement, arterial line placement and difficult airway management.